The Army Air Corps has been an Affiliate of the Company since 2001.
As one of the Great Twelve Livery Companies, The Merchant Taylors’ Company evolved from medieval London's trade guilds. These organisations took their name, livery, from the distinctive dress of their members and oversaw their respective crafts, regulating the trade and tradesmen across the city.
Located in the City of London the Merchant Taylors’ Company is dedicated to fraternity, education and philanthropy.
The Company seeks to provide meaningful moral support for its Armed Forces Service Affiliates by creating within the company and its schools an awareness of the roles and activities of the affiliates.
The Company also awards particularly deserving individuals from its military affiliates - those whom the affiliates have marked as having contributed in some special way to the functioning of their unit. The awards are presented at an annual dinner for Court and Livery.
Find out more about the Merchant Taylors’ Company here: